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Preparing Your Home For Storm Season

Severe weather often doesn’t give you much time to prepare. In some cases, a dangerous storm may not make itself known until mere minutes before it strikes. Even though the worst of these storms may only last a few moments, the damage they cause can last a long time — especially when they harm your home. Because you likely won’t have enough time to prepare your home for a storm in the moments before it strikes, it’s a good idea to make sure your home is ready for a storm before storm season begins. Not only will you make it less likely that your home will suffer serious damage as a result of a storm, but you can significantly reduce the amount of repair work you’ll need to do once the storm passes.

The key to preparing your home for storm season is being equipped for all eventualities — inside and outside. Outside your home, you should clean gutters and trim any branches hanging too close to your roof or windows. Inside the home, make sure you have a first-aid kit ready to use, along with a complete inventory of your belongings for insurance purposes.

Taking a weekend or two to prepare your property for storm season can save you a lot of money and trouble. Be sure to look at the infographic below for some practical ideas you can use to brace your property for storm season.

Author bio: Christina Ahlert is Media & Communications Coordinator for Timber Warriors. She assists in developing publications, facilitating creative projects and campaigns, and distributing press releases and other professional content.

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